Sign up for inspiration, tips & art designed to strengthen you in your walk with Jesus Christ! You see, just over a year ago some major changes in my life were initiated. Stepping out of my comfort zone as the excellent caterpillar I was and moving into the butterfly transformation process. It was a time of unsuredness (is that even a word?) & really wanting the next step to be revealed. So, I drew the first picture as a reminder to myself to stop trying to figure every detail of my life out (aka "freaking out!"), to trust God and in the meantime worship Him as He goes about doing His good work in my life. FAST FORWARD to my life right now. butterfly is definitely emerging but yah, it is still a time of unsuredness (there's that word again). But please let me clarify...unsuredness in what is coming next but SURENESS - CERTAINTY in HIM! That is why I can lift my hands and in the meantime worship...because I know He's up to something good in my life (in me & for me!) That is why I can lift my hands and in the meantime worship...because I know He's up to something good in my life You see, I'm waiting on some things. Things I would REALLY like to see happening now the meantime worship. My husband & I feel a call to minister together and are waiting on the meantime worship. My husband & I want to move to a smaller place and focus more money on the gospel and are waiting on direction from God on how to proceed concerning our current real the meantime worship. the meantime worship. Does the work I feel called to do make any the meantime worship. You get the picture. One of the very (emphasis VERY) best books I've ever read on this topic is Joyce Meyer's "The Battle Belongs to the Lord." The whole premise of the book is, "...for the battle is not yours, but God's." 2 Chronicles 20:15 The page above is a page I've folded and currently open to a couple of times a day! If you're going through a similar situation where you'd really like things to happen NOW but it seems to be taking awhile, I wholeheartedly recommend this book. You can order it by clicking on it's picture above. It's normal Amazon prices but I get a cut. Yay! So there's the story of my painting. A year's journey that leads you & me here to me typing these words and you reading them. I find the painting beautiful. I find myself just staring at it, using it as a meditation and being uplifted by it. She's beautiful and worship is a beautiful place to be. I'll be praying for you! Will you please be praying for me. Opportunities for my husband & I to minister together and how to proceed concerning our real estate. My painting is for sale! She's 10"x8", matte finish, and on the edges I wrote the words of the worship song that my spirit sang as I painted her. Indeed she ministers to me, but in the end my work is to encourage others in Christ. $32 shipping plus shipping.
What a privilege to share with you. Will you send me links to your blogs? What is Christ doing in your life? You can leave comments below so that we can encourage each other or even email me at [email protected] God willing, we'll chat again soon but until the meantime worship.
6/4/2014 0 Comments Rejoice!Hi Friends, Are you in need of a good dose of rejoicing? Then open wide and shout with me, "WOOHOOOOOOO!" No matter what your current position in life or where you're headed, I say we rejoice! No matter if it's been a poopy day or a party day, I say we rejoice! "But how can I rejoice when I'm not living my dreams, my job dulls my brains out, there's bills to be paid and I'd really rather just hide under the covers and build myself a impenetrable blanket cocoon?" We can rejoice because we know God is up to something good in our lives. His Word says it! "[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight." Philippians 2:13AMP In honor of rejoicing, I've created a new "Rejoice" Blessing Blasts card chock full of rejoicing Scriptures for you to declare over your life. And, I'm sharing with you a rejoicing secret of mine....shhhh...don't tell anyone but sometimes I put on a party hat at home just to celebrate the good things I know God is doing in my life. Even if I have no idea what good things He's up to you, I know He's doing something good in my life (whether behind the scenes or front & center) and I can rejoice! Won't you join me? :)
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