2/24/2015 1 Comment A Quick Way to Improve Your Situation...and you have everything you need to do it now! Hi Angelface, Are you in a situation right now that feels hopeless? A situation sucking the lifeblood out of you or maybe just feeling bored and hoping for a zesty change of pace? Here's 2 steps that I believe will help improve any situation... 1) If you've been complaining about the situation...STOP IT! 2) START praying about your situation! “Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining [against God] and questioning and doubting [among yourselves]…” Philippians 2:14 AMP God's Word says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Science has confirmed that words have energy. If we are feeling frustrated, annoyed or just plain peeved off over a situation and we feel at liberty to go on & on & on about how we've been wronged or how bad our life sucks then guess what?? It's actually making your situation worse! You have now released a cloud of negative energy into your atmosphere. Boo :( Sadface :( God has better way of handling situations that frustrate us! "Don't worry about anything. No matter what happens tell God about everything. Ask and pray, and give thanks to Him..." Philippians 4:6 NiRV
"Then God's peace will watch over your hearts and your minds. He will do this because you belong to Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7a NiRV Yes, even if we're completely frustrated over the situation. Yes, even if someone clearly did us wrong. Yes, even if we feel so angry that that our eyes begin to water. Do it God's way! As we are obedient and complain about nothing and pray about everything we are showing God we trust Him, We are showing God we believe He will do just what His Word says and we are opening up a faith-filled opportunity for Him to move on our behalf. Sure, we can talk with a trusted friend about the situation. But first, take it to God! Make sure when you talk about it that your heart is free from any negative emotions attached to the situation - that's where taking it to God first comes into play. God is good!
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